Monday 27 January 2014

Anglo-Saxon Attitude

Last week I enjoyed a Mother-daughter day out to the Isabella Blow: Fashion Galore! exhibition at Somerset House and was pretty blown away by it. Blow was a stylist extroardinaire, maverick and fashion revolutionary, and the exhibition made for an emotional journey told through clothes. 

One of the rooms at the exhibition was devoted to this 1993 British Vogue shoot, shot by Stephen Meisel and styled by Blow, and featuring the 90s girls Stella Tennant, Plum Sykes, Bella Freud and Honor Fraser. Something about it really caught my eye; perhaps it's the simplicity and the slightly dark 60s mood, or perhaps it's how current it still seems over twenty years later. It's funny how everything comes full circle, what with the new wave of grunge and 90s trends fairly overwhelming the market at the moment. This shoot just makes me want to embrace it even more - particularly Plum Sykes poker straight hair, those fluffy skirts and Stella's heavily kohled eyes. Yes please. 

You can read my review on the exhibition over on The Designer Index blog, here

Photos sourced on Pinterest, copyright Stephen Meisel. 

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