Sunday 23 March 2014

The Future's Bright, The Future's Orange

I'm having an orange phase. I am, as my friends will tell you, a real creature of habit. Once I fasten on to something, there's no letting go. An apt example here might be my love for the chocolate variety of orange which, embarrassingly, has already featured on this blog. At the moment, I desperately want to own more pieces of orange clothing. This Zara coat and River Island roll neck (above) are calling my name; I know they'd instantly make me feel more Summery but keep me warm in Leeds at the same time...but alas, I've given up shopping for Lent. YES I'm that bad that it warrants me giving it up. It may sound easy but for me it is a true battle of will power vs. impulse. It really doesn't help that I've also given up Chocolate Orange. To be honest, I'm not quite sure why I'm doing this to myself, other than for the obvious financial benefits, but I must hold tight, and think of Jesus. 

Illustration copyright Rachel Rapp.  

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